Book Reviews

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A poem by Danny King: 

All The Fun Of the Fair By Danny King

Sadhbh’s Book Review

Book Report  – 5th & 6th Class


Student Name: Rosemary Connon                         Class:5th class                Date:5/211/020


Title of Book:The Valley of Adventure


Author:Enid Blyton


Illustrator: No one!not even cover design!


Setting (where the story took place):A valley in Austria


List the main characters:

  1. 1. Lucy-Ann Dinah

2.Jack             3. Philip                      4. Kiki


Describe your favourite character: Kiki

Kiki is my favourite charachter .She is a parrot who is famous for her inpression of an express train screeching to a halt .She loves nursery rhymes and telling people to wipe their feet.When she is annoyed or sad she says ‘ what a pity , what a pity’ or’ poor Kiki’she is Jack’s parrot.


The climax:They find a secret treasure cave and meet two old people who have lived in the caves all their life protecting the treasure then the bad guys trap them in the caves.


The ending:Philip finds a way out and goes to Bill their friend and a chief of police and Jack finds a tunnel out of the treasure caves and shows Lucy-Ann, Dinah and the old couple the tunnel. They escape and when the bad guys go into the caves to collect the treasure he locks them in the cave.Then when Bill arrives he captures the bad guys and the children go back to their mother.


Write four interesting words to describe this book:   1. Adventurous                    

  1.   exiting   3.  interesting                             

Did you like the book? Why/Why not?Yes , I dont know why I like this book I just did

Grade the book: Just right.

Rate the book out of ten:            9  /10


Book title: The Hobbit

Author: J R R Tolkien


The Hobbit is an adventurous and mysterious tale. The main character is the hobbit. He goes on an adventure with twelve dwarfs and a wizard called Gandalf. The hobbit’s name is Bilbo Baggins. Their adventure included horrible trolls, goblins, a dragon named Smorg and a battle of the five armies. They go on an adventure to retrieve their stolen treasure from under the mountain.

This book is set in a made-up world .In this world there is the Lonely mountain and the Misty mountains. This is where the majority of the book is set. I really enjoyed listening to this book and my favourite character is the hobbit named Bilbo Baggins . I’m excited to listen to the next books in the series. I would recommend this book to my classmates.

Score 9/10

By Christopher Connon.


Book Report – 3rd and 4th Class


Student’s name: Donnacha Connon                                   Class:3rd class.               Date:8th of the 5th  2020.


Title of book:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


Author:J K Rowling.


Illustrator:Jonny Duddle.


Setting (where the story took place);Hogwarts, the Quidditch world cup, the Dursley’s house, the burrow, the Hogwarts express and platform 9 and three quarters.


List the main characters:

  1. Harry                              3. Ron
  2. Hermione                  4.Cedric


Describe your favourite character: My favourite character was Ron Weasley. He is Harry’s best friend and comes on most of his adventures. He is funny and usually helps Harry by helping him test spells to making up stuff for divination. He has red hair and is very tall as well as very funny. Lots of the time he gets into arguments with Hermione.


Summary (what happened in the story): In the story, Harry’s name is put into the goblet and Harry is forced into the most dangerous wizard tournament or sport.

And he almost does not make it to the end of the school year.


This book was (Tick one)  Exciting x___        Boring ____      Complicated ____

Interesting ____Slow-moving ____ Imaginative ______

Scary ____  Fast-paced_____    Amusing _______


Did you like the book? Why?/Why not? I liked this book because it was action packed and you never know what will happen next.


Grade the book (Tick one)


___Easy to read                        ___x__Just Right

___A Little difficult                 _____Difficult


Rate the book out of ten: _________9/10



Book Review

Honey the Sweet Fairy

by Daisy Meadows

Kirsty and Rachel went to Mrs. Twist’s sweet shop to get a jar of toffees. But all the sweets tasted disgusting so Kirsty and Rachel told Mrs. Twist they would go into the stock room to get fresh ones. But when they went in they found a goblin inside. Then they saw Honey the Sweet Fairy. The goblin had messed up the stock room by flinging treats all over the floor. If you read this book you can join Kirsty, Rachel and Honey on the rest of their adventure. This book is suitable for ages five plus. This was an amazing book. If you read this book I hope you enjoy it too.


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