
Agreed Report

Board of Management Meeting 03/09/2024

• The Board expressed a warm welcome back to school to all the pupils and staff. In particular the 23
new junior infant pupils were warmly welcomed. The Board also expressed gratitude to the staff for
work completed in preparation for the school year.
• The school is delighted to welcome Colette Hegarty to our team of SNAs where she will work as a
job-share partner alongside Margaret Hennessy.
• The Board welcomes the increase in Capitation funding announced by the Department.
• The Board supports the Department ban on mobile phones in primary schools.
• New school chairs have been purchased for Junior Infants to 2nd class. It is hoped to replace all
remaining chairs once funding is secured. A number of damaged pupil desks and teacher desks
were also replaced during the summer.
• The clothing collection prior to the summer holidays raised €288. The Board wishes to thank
everyone who contributed.
• The Admissions Notice for the 2025-2026 school year will be available on the school website on
September 16th and the official Admissions window will run from October 1st to 24th
• The school will close at 12noon on Wednesday September 18th to facilitate a staff meeting.
• School will be closed on Monday October 21st as staff undertake training on the new Primary Maths Curriculum.