One Million Trees Campaign

On Wednesday 15th December Clonpriest N.S. took part in the One Million Trees Campaign in conjunction with Self Help Africa and the INTO. We planted five trees in our school field – one for each classroom. Sixth Class planted a Rowan Tree, Fifth Class planted a Birch Tree, Third and Fourth planted a Hazel Tree, First and Second planted a Hawthorn Tree and The Infants planted a second Rowan Tree.

On the day we all dressed up as Christmas Trees to raise money for Self Help Africa! There were prizes for the most creative costumes. Mrs. O`Neill had a very difficult time choosing winners as everyone made such a brilliant effort. Well done!

Our school raised 460 Euro in total. This will help Self Help Africa plant 2,000 trees in our school`s name!! Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously.

Follow the link to see pictures of the festivities Christmas Tree Day