Christmas at Clonpriest

Christmas celebrations have been in full swing in Clonpriest NS for the last few weeks.

The Infants performed their Nativity Play in the school yard for everyone as well as for the residents of Youghal and District Nursing Home, Gortroe.

1st to 6th Classes also sang Carols at the Nursing home. The classes wrote letters and designed cards which they delivered much to the delight of the residents. 3rd and 4th Class made a giant Christmas tree and each child decorated a bauble with a word of positivity on each one.

Representatives from 6th Class took part in the Youghal Parish Carol Service which is being broadcast on CRY 104fm.

All classes had great fun watching the Helix Panto in their classrooms.

Check out all the pictures here.

Wishing you all a very peaceful, happy and healthy Christmas. Looking forward to seeing you all in 2021!