Back to School – Senior End

Since returning to school everyone in Clonpriest N.S. has been very busy.

Sixth Class

6th class studied the works of Van Gogh with Mrs Beecher and recreated his famous ‘Starry Night’, as well as some other paintings including sunflowers.
This week they looked at what we can do to help the environment during Climate Action Week 2020. The children designed posters about what they had learned.



Fifth Class

Fifth Class were learning about different types of trees and went on nature trails in school and at home.

They`ve also been researching the history of our local buildings including the school and the church.


They painted beautiful Autumnal sunsets.

The boys have had lots of matches outside school. Many of them took part in the Dan Coleman tournament and they even played a soccer match against Leeds Utd and won 7-0!

Third and Fourth Class

The children completed lessons for Climate Action Week. The Green schools programme had some great resources which aided the childrens learning. Below is the artwork children made to promote awareness.

The children have been learning about famous artists including Van Gogh and Picasso. Below are some samples of the childrens work…..
In science the children were learning about about the Food pyramid, nutritional information and the importance of healthy eating. Below are some samples of the childrens work….
Other brief bits of news include 4th class student Charlotte bringing in a selection of her home grown vegetables and doing a fantastic presentation. During the long break Charlotte grew marrows, beetroot, basil, tomatoes, Swiss Chard amongst other things in her Polytunnel..well done!
The children have been learning the basics of some different languages including Spanish, French, Polish….and  Czech and Italian thanks to Sophie and Zach!
The 3rd class children made their First Holy Communion. To mark the ocassion the children made clay pottery pieces and painted them as souvenirs.
Well done to all