Memories from our Football Vice-Captain, Gearoid


                                                                  GEAROID GEARY

I was very happy when Mr Sheehan asked me to be Vice Captain of the Football Sciath na Scol. My friend Cal was asked to be Captain. We were both very honoured to be asked. We were very excited to play football because it hadn’t been played in the school for 15 years. I was looking forward to play football for the school as I felt we had a great chance to win it. We trained after school as a team for Sciath na Scol. Mr Sheehan, John Bulman and Ms Galgey took time out of their busy day to get us fit and skilful to play against the other teams. I loved training with the school and having time out of school to play the matches before we would qualify for the final. It is such an exciting day for us as players but also for our parents and our families. Most of the school would travel on a separate bus to the match. They had banners and flags and cheered us on! It was a very exciting day. We have pictures taken as a team. Our names are called out which makes it more exciting…and its even better when we win the cup!





Earliest GAA memory: 2013 County Final. Youghal VS. Castlelyons



Favourite Sciath na Scol memory: Winning the Sciath na Scol football



My GAA hero: Pat Horgan



Best piece of advice: Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.



Best pre match song: Up the Youghal Boys



Funniest thing that happened: When Jamie and I sandwiched somebody on the other team



Favourite food: Chicken nuggets and chips



What I’m best at: Catching a ball



What I need to improve: My striking


Me in 3 words: very very good



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