Well done to Katie, Cathal and Liam Mariga

Well done to past pupils of Clonpriest NS, Katie, Cathal and Liam Mariga. Congratulations to you and to all leaving cert students in completing the 2018 Leaving Certificate.

Particularly well done to Liam Mariga – Liam was one of only 7 students in the country who attained the perfect score of 8 H1’s.

This is a tremendous achievement. It was a big day in the Mariga household as Liam’s siblings Katie & Cathal also got excellent results.Well done to all the students, we’re proud of you all, and we wish you well .

A triplet, Liam collected his results today along with his brother Cathal and sister Katie. Principal at Midleton College, Edward Gash praised Liam for his efforts, saying he worked consistently for the past two years.

“We’ve had very strong results from all our students and the teachers and myself are very happy,” he added.

“We offer 22 different subjects and we achieved at least one H1 in all of them.” The school also achieved 10 H1s and six H2s in Politics and Society, which was offered for the first time this year.